Parallel Anthology Track 6

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Icon Public Domain.jpg Track 6: Buell Kazee - The Butcher's Boy   Brunswick 213-A; Recorded in New York, 16.1.1928
Anthology Track 6 label.jpg

Record label does not assign authorship. Nor does either Anthology booklet.

The Roud Folksong Index classifies this song as a version of Roud 409.

Wikipedia has a page on the song, which describes it as a "conglomeration of several English broadside ballads". This would make this composition traditional, and thus public domain. attributes authorship to "Kelly Harrell".

According to wikipedia, Kelly Harrell died in 1942, thus in any case this composition has been public domain since 1st January 2013.

Parallel anthology main index page

Alternative Versions

The Butcher Boy by Peggy Seeger    album released in 1955: Spotify
Liner notes make no claim to copyright for writing or arranging.
Butcher Boy by Mrs. Doug "Ina" Harvey    recorded in 1958: Max Hunter Collection
Butcher Boy by Mrs. Gladys McChristain    recorded in 1958: Max Hunter Collection
The Butcher Boy by Lucy Quigley    recorded in 1958: Max Hunter Collection
The Butcher's Boy by Dorothy Ross    recorded in 1959: Max Hunter Collection