Parallel Anthology Track 63

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Icon Public Domain.jpg Track 63: Bascom Lamar Lunsford - I Wish I was a Mole in the Ground   Brunswick 219-B; Recorded in Ashland, Kentucky, April 1928

Anthology Track 63 Label.jpg

Record label does not assign authorship, nor do the notes in either Anthology booklet or

The Roud Folksong Index classifies this song as a version of Roud 4957. A Roud number search returns only one version which pre-dates Lunsford's 1924 recording of the same song on Okeh 40155.

Lunsford said of this song, "I've known it since 1901 when I heard Fred Moody, then a high school boy, sing it down in Burke County." [1], calling it "a fine type of indigenous American banjo song extant in the Great Smoky and Blue Ridge mountain region of the south, and has numerous unrelated stanzas born out of the hilarity of mountain banjo 'picking." [2]

These are good grounds for treating this composition as public domain.

Parallel anthology main index page

Alternative Versions

Mole in the Ground by Logan English    album released in 1962 (according to Spotify
According to this album's liner notes, credit for this version is assigned to Bascom Lamar Lunsford, with the exception to the lyrics of the last verse.
Mole in the Ground by Basom Lamar Lunsford    album released in 1953 (according to Spotify
Lunsford never claimed credit for writing or arranging this song (see above)