Barragán Sound System

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An Open Music Archive event

with Rogelio Sosa, Carmina Escobar and Andrés Solís

Tuesday 30 October, 2012
7:30pm – 10pm
Casa Luis Barragán
General Francisco Ramírez 17
Colonia Ampliación Daniel Garza
Mexico City


Open Music Archive has been invited by de_sitio to develop a research and production residency that takes as a departure point, the music archive of Casa Estudio Luis Barragán. Part funded by MIRIAD.

Open Music Archive delve into the personal archive of Mexican architect Luis Barragán (1902-1988) and explore the architect’s record collection, housed in his former private residence. Barragán, well known for his devotion to the practice of solitude, clearly sought refuge in music. Record players and speaker systems are installed in almost every room in his house (including the garden) and the entire house operates as a kind of playback system.

Through their research at Casa Barragán, artists Eileen Simpson and Ben White have explored the legal terrain of the music in Barragán’s record collection – particularly in relation to the complex web of propriety rights locked within the recordings. At the present time Mexico currently boasts the most restrictive copyright law worldwide, with legal revisions in 1994 and 2003 extending copyright in recorded sound to 100 years from both the date of recording and the death of the author. They have gleaned material from the collection that achieved the status ‘copyright-expired’ before the legal changes, in an attempt to extract public domain music and audio fragments from vinyl and shellac 78s.

Barragán Sound System is a live event using public archive recordings as source material, with guest producers invited to process and remix through short live performances. The event, which takes place during the week of Día de los Muertos, brings to life works, with a legal status identified primarily through the date of the death of the author. Barragán Sound System features: Live performances by invited guests Rogeilo Sosa, Carmina Escobar and Andres Solis who remixed the archive source; an Open Music Archive DJ set of public tracks from the collection with special remix recordings contributed by guest music producers; plus a preview of the artists forthcoming film shot at Casa Barragán.


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More images



sound file Carmina Escobar live set MP3 22.5Mb MP3 (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

sound file Rogelio Sosa live set MP3 12.2Mb MP3 (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

sound file Andres Solis live set MP3 17.3Mb MP3 (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

Source material

Click here for source material


Preamble (english)

Introducción (español)


This project is part of En vivo: performance and performativity, conceived by de_sitio in order to research on specific topics through investigations of diverse profile.

In collaboration with: Casa Estudio Luis Barragán

This project was made possible through the generous support of MIRIAD: Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design, Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo (PAC), Taco Inn/César Cervantes and Mezcal Amores.

Thanks: José Arnaud-Bello, Andrea Paasch e Iván Aguirre, José García/Proyectos Monclova, LABOR, Enrique Giner, the staff of Casa Barragán