Canal Plus

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Eileen Simpson and Ben White were invited to play a selection of out-of-copyright early blues, jazz and folk recordings from the archive alongside copyleft licensed electronic remixes at:

Canal Plus at Vilma Gold:
25b Vyner Street
E2 9DG

Films, performance, music
Sunday 17 December, 5-8pm

For more details and a full programme visit Canal's website

With support from Canal, Open Music Archive were able to produce a free Christmas gift distributed at the event - an unlimited edition copyleft licensed CD:


1. Grandma's Ball Chicago Footwarmers
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

2. Don't Let Your Deal Go Down Blues Charlie Poole
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

3. remix 1 Ben White
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

4. West Coast Blues Blind Blake
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

5. remix 2 Eileen Simpson & Ben White
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

6. Court House Blues (Take 1) Clara Smith
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

7. Six Cold Feet In The Ground Leroy Carr
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

8. remix 3 Ben White
sound file mp3 sound file ogg vorbis (right-click/ctrl+click to download)

Thanks to Anna Colin